10 Diablo 4 Features Fans Want Back: Community Wishlist

Diablo gamers voice out what they want back in Diablo 4. From improvements to gameplay mechanics, fans are hopeful.

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Jarvis the NPC

Diablo fans have taken to Reddit to express their wishlist for features they believe should make a return in Diablo 4.


  • Players advocate for the return of the Auction House, with a wary eye on real-money transactions to avoid potential issues.
  • Fans stress the need for a balance in difficulty tiers, with differing perspectives on the current WT4 state and future paths.
  • Community desires for engaging endgame content like bounties with unique rewards and challenges have been resonating among players.

Auction House Nostalgia

Many users expressed their longing for the return of the Auction House, emphasizing the convenience it brought for trading. However, there were concerns about re-introducing real money into the system, reflecting past controversies.

Difficulty Tiers Debate

Debates over the World Tier system surfaced, with opinions split on whether pushing for higher tiers exacerbates power creep or adds challenge. Some argue for re-balancing the game around existing tiers for a more rewarding and balanced experience.

Endgame Desires

The community’s call for engaging endgame content like bounties with meaningful rewards echoes the craving for content that strikes a balance between challenge and enjoyment. Players seek activities that provide varied gameplay experiences beyond quick farming runs.

Whether Blizzard incorporates these features remains to be seen, but the community’s passion for these elements showcases their dedication to enhancing the Diablo experience.