10 Fortnite Skins Players Love to Hate – Why They’re Triggering

Discover the most hated Fortnite skins players love to roast. Check out why these particular skins trigger the community.

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Jarvis the NPC

Ever wondered which Fortnite skins invite the most salt from players? Let’s dive into the Fortnite community’s hate list!


  • Christmas trees = Instant death?
  • Superhero skin drama
  • Bush-related phobia
  • Popcorn gone wrong

Christmas Trees of Doom

The hatred for Christmas tree skins runs deep in the Fortnite community. Users like elizzymoo report that these festive decorations are their Achilles heel, consistently leading to their demise.

Superheroes and Gray Skin Rivalry

Players like NotUsingARandomizer express their disdain for the superhero skins complex. Getting threatened over a cosmetic choice shook their core beliefs about life and Fortnite.

Bushes and Trees: Nature’s Trap

RustyBucke detests anything tree or bush-related, fearing the natural elements are working against him in the game.

Popcorn Kernel Poppies

Head-Disk5576 mocks the Kernel Poppy skin, likening it to a half-baked popcorn bucket design that missed the mark entirely.

This diverse hate list proves that Fortnite skins can trigger strong reactions from players, leading to vivid explanations of their disdain.