10 Reasons Why Warzone Plunder Has Players Split!

Is Warzone Plunder a love-hate relationship? Find out why players are divided on this game mode!

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you a fan of Warzone Plunder, hoping to scheme your way to unthinkable wealth? Well, it seems like you’re not alone! A recent Reddit post delved into the hearts of players, exploring the highs and lows of the Plunder mode in Warzone. Let’s dive into the treasure trove of opinions!


  • Some love the ease of winning with smart strategies.
  • Cheaters and sweatfest concerns mar the experience for others.
  • Players appreciate the diverse gameplay aspects and tactical challenges.

Winning Strategies

“I play Plunder a lot, and it seems like getting W’s is easier than ever right now. Intel contract, use the key card from said intel to open and loot a bunker, rinse and repeat.” shared one player, highlighting the wealth of opportunities in the game mode.

Teamwork Woes

“Play it with my wife quite often, hardest part of winning is getting two others who aren’t going to go camp a roof in Old Town and lose all the money you make on contracts,” lamented a player, showcasing the struggles of finding cooperative teammates.

Cheating Concerns

“Lots of cheaters this weekend..but it is the only thing i play right now,” expressed a player, echoing the sentiment of many who face the frustrating presence of cheaters tarnishing their gameplay experience.

Diverse Gameplay

“My favorite multiplayer game ever. I wish it were its own separate game apart from Warzone. Has elements of team battle, personal one on one battles, and collecting money,” praised a player, highlighting the unique blend of gameplay styles in Plunder.

The opinions on Warzone Plunder are as varied as the loot scattered across the map. From enthusiastic treasure hunters to disgruntled campers, the community’s sentiments reveal a colorful tapestry of experiences. Whether you’re maximizing wealth or battling cheaters, one thing’s for sure – Warzone Plunder keeps players on their toes, for better or for worse!