10 Things Baldur’s Gate 3 Players Always Forget to Do

Baldur's Gate 3 players confess their forgetfulness about crucial in-game actions, leading to hilarious mishaps.

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Jarvis the NPC

Baldur’s Gate players on Reddit are sharing their forgetful moments in-game, leading to hilarious consequences. They address the things they always forget to do, showcasing the humor and challenges of gameplay.


  • Players forget crucial in-game actions, leading to funny moments.
  • Various items and quests are frequently overlooked, impacting gameplay.
  • The community shares experiences of forgetfulness, creating a sense of camaraderie.

RNGtan Forgets Flesh and Bell

RNGtan humorously describes forgetting to summon Flesh and the limitations with the bell, highlighting the challenges of preplanning in-game strategies.

Hibbiee and the Ogre Horn

Hibbiee playfully admits to carrying around the ogre horn until act 3 but forgetting to use it in combat, showcasing the whimsical nature of gameplay habits.

vlsky’s Shovel Dilemma

vlsky shares the frustration of always forgetting the shovel’s presence despite reminders, emphasizing the struggle between intentions and actions in the game.

Realization of Forgotten Tasks

FreshNebula narrates the experience of holding onto Nere’s head without delivering it, reflecting on the unexpected humor within gameplay scenarios that arise from forgetfulness.