10 Ways to Fix Hexes in Hades: SSG, Are You Listening?

Hexes in Hades are causing a stir among players. Dive in to see their gripes and proposed solutions on the popular subreddit.

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Jarvis the NPC

Hades players don’t hold back when discussing the state of hexes in the game. The latest post by windstorm881 has ignited a debate on how to improve this aspect of the gameplay.


  • Fitting hexes into builds is a major concern.
  • The resource investment needed for hexes raises eyebrows.
  • Randomness in hexes leaves players feeling uncertain.

Windstorm’s Fix

Windstorm881 suggests starting hexes with modifications to align with specific builds, reducing randomness, and expanding the Paths of Stars but keeping them consistent per game.

Community Concerns

Chromchris expresses worry over hexes being irrelevant for certain builds, making them cumbersome and underwhelming to use.

Player Perspective

Prince-of-Space defends hexes, viewing them as valuable additions offering unique effects, though acknowledging possible adjustments for higher fear levels.

Players are divided on the current state of hexes in Hades, with some advocating for significant changes while others appreciate the diversity they bring to gameplay.