15 Amazing Skull and Bones Fan Videos That Inspire Your Inner Pirate

Discover the community's reaction to a player's video shared by Ubisoft in this Skull and Bones subreddit.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones is undoubtedly a game that sparks creativity and passion among its players. When Ubisoft shared Fit_Series3836’s video, the response was a mix of admiration, gratitude, and skepticism. The video not only showcased impressive gameplay but also stirred a debate on unpaid promotion.


  • Fit_Series3836’s video received praise for its creativity and skill.
  • The community expressed both appreciation for the content and concerns regarding unpaid promotion.
  • Some users criticized the act of promoting a game without compensation.

Positive Feedback

SpareParts82 praised the video’s innovation, highlighting a unique moment of using a wave to leap over another ship. This showcases the creativity and skill of the player in a way that captivated the audience.

showcase25 commended the video’s cool factor and music choice, emphasizing the overall positive impact the content had on the viewers, resonating with the community’s love for the game.

Negative Sentiment

techwizpepsi criticized the promotion, warning against celebrating unpaid labor for a large corporation, raising valid concerns about the ethics of endorsing a product without compensation.

French_Riots expressed skepticism towards the promotion, highlighting the irony of supporting a game both financially and through unpaid promotion, challenging the player’s decision to promote a game without getting paid.

Flourix shared a lighthearted moment from the video, appreciating the fun aspect of the content but not engaging with the promotion aspect, showing a nuanced perspective.

Curiosity and Appreciation

Henry_0308’s query about the player’s graphic settings indicates an interest in the technical aspects of the video, showcasing a different angle of engagement and appreciation for the production quality.

Dopapotomous praised the video for capturing the essence of the game, acknowledging the heart and soul put into the content, resonating with the passionate player base.

The community’s response to Fit_Series3836’s video reflects a mix of admiration, skepticism, and appreciation, showcasing the diverse perspectives within the Skull and Bones community. The blend of creativity, talent, and ethical considerations sparks intriguing discussions and showcases the depth of engagement within the player base.