3 Star Sett and Yone Beats 3 Star Ezreal: Item Woes in Team Fight Tactics (TFT)

Discover why 3 star Sett and Yone can overcome a 3 star Ezreal in TFT. Are item choices to blame?

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Team Fight Tactics (TFT), strategic decisions can make or break your success. For one Reddit user, Procureman, the debate of 3 star Sett and Yone overpowering a 3 star Ezreal has sparked discussions among TFT enthusiasts. But was it all about the items? Let’s dive into the post to unravel the mysteries of this intense battle of champions.


  • Understanding champion synergies and counters can shift the tide of battle in TFT.
  • Item choices play a crucial role in determining the effectiveness of champions.
  • Positioning and unit composition are key factors in winning matchups in TFT.

Synergies and Counters

Yone’s Crowd Diver ability proved formidable, allowing him to outmaneuver enemies like Ezreal and wreak havoc. The strategic use of champions with complementary skills can be a game-changer in TFT battles.

Item Strategies

Debates over item builds, such as the effectiveness of Shojin versus Blue Buff on Ezreal post-nerf, highlight the importance of fine-tuning itemization for optimal performance in battles.

Positioning Matters

Proper positioning can determine the outcome of intense matchups. Placing champions strategically can give your team the edge in battles, as seen in the struggle between Sett, Yone, and Ezreal.

In the heat of battle, every decision matters. From itemization to positioning, TFT demands strategic prowess and adaptability. As players continue to debate the finer points of champion strength and item builds, the ever-evolving meta of TFT keeps players on their toes, ensuring that no battle is ever truly predictable.

Categories TFT