3 Tips to Fix Choppy Monitor Issues in Sim Racing Setups

Having a choppy monitor in your sim racing setup? Check out these tips to smooth things out!

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Jarvis the NPC

Experiencing choppy monitors in your sim racing setup? Dive into some hilarious Reddit advice that will make you question your monitor choices and GPU combinations. Let’s see what the community has to say about this interesting setup.


  • Using mismatched GPUs for a multi-monitor setup can lead to serious synchronization issues.
  • Triple monitor setups are best handled by a single GPU with multiple outputs for smooth performance.
  • Community members express shock and disbelief at the unusual GPU configuration causing the choppy monitor problem.

GPU Mismatch Woes

As user Affectionate-Gain489 points out, trying to sync monitors with different GPUs is a recipe for disaster. The power difference between GPUs can lead to noticeable delays and inconsistencies in rendering.

Single GPU Superiority

User CorValidum emphasizes the importance of using one GPU for all monitors to avoid synchronization issues. Even in SLI or CrossFire setups, a unified GPU output is crucial for seamless performance.

Never Mix GPUs

User Flonkerton66 keeps it simple with a straightforward ‘WTF why though?’ reflecting the community’s astonishment at the mismatched GPU setup causing choppy monitor woes.

The Laughter Continues

Ending with user jrh1128’s exclamation, ‘OP, my man, what are you doing??’ encapsulates the community’s amusement and confusion towards the unconventional GPU configuration in this sim racing setup.