5 Sneaky Ways to Use Omen’s TP In Valorant: A Tactical Guide

Discover how Omen players are making smart moves without the blind in Valorant.

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Haven

Valorant players are finding creative ways to utilize Omen’s TP without relying on the blind, showing off their sneaky skills and outplaying opponents in unexpected ways. Through a Reddit post by anshumankr001, the community discusses different strategies and experiences with this versatile ability.


  • Players showcase tactical prowess by using Omen’s TP without the blind.
  • Some players surprise opponents with quick maneuvers, catching them off guard.
  • Others use Omen’s TP creatively for outplays and unique movement strategies.
  • The community recognizes the skill and risk involved in these advanced plays.

Players’ Impressions

KronkForPresident points out the potential risk: “Don’t they hear it when you rawdoggie the tp??” Others admire skilled players like Dude_with_Pants, fueling speculation about hidden talents like being ‘goated at the game.’ Plane-Hedgehog873 recounts the dangers, facing opponents who flick on them under pressure. ThiccBananaMeat adds humor, admitting to going for knife kills with out-play TPs while celebrating great movement skills.

Tactical Maneuvers

Sir_Oink shares a desire for bold plays, lamenting, ‘I wish I had the balls to do this.’ Creative strategies earn recognition, as irosemart highlights a player with a ‘1000 IQ move.’ In contrast, gegorchong questions the frequency of boldly Tping in front of opponents’ faces, sparking a debate on risk-taking versus safety.

Innovative Plays

Dismal-Mulberry-7803 humorously expresses the highs and lows of attempting such plays, illustrating the mix of skill and luck required for success. ThiccBananaMeat showcases a fun side of aggressive plays, opting for knife kills in unexpected moments. These discussions reflect the community’s appreciation for skillful and bold gameplay.