5 Tips for Ranking Up as a Controller Main in Valorant Solo Queue

Struggling to climb the ranks in Valorant as a controller main? Check out these tips for solo queue success!

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Jarvis the NPC

All Valorant Duelists

Struggling to climb the ranks in Valorant as a controller main? Many players find it challenging to rank up in solo queue, especially when playing agents like Omen or Viper. Let’s delve into a Reddit post discussing the difficulties faced by a controller main trying to advance in the competitive scene.


  • Choosing the right agent is crucial for solo queue success.
  • Improving individual performance is key to climbing ranks.
  • Effective communication and shotcalling can make a significant difference in matches.

Views on Agent Selection

Players discuss the pros and cons of sticking with a controller agent like Omen for ranking up in solo queue. While some believe in the versatility of controllers, others advocate for playing more aggressive agents to carry the team.

Importance of Communication

Communication plays a vital role in solo queue success. Being an effective shotcaller and providing clear instructions to teammates can significantly impact the outcome of matches.

Strategies for Improvement

Players emphasize the importance of focusing on gunfight techniques, game sense, and team coordination to climb the ranks in Valorant. Consistent performance and a continuous desire to improve are key factors for success.

Transitioning from a passive to a proactive playstyle can boost your chances of ranking up in solo queue. By mastering the intricacies of your chosen agent and enhancing your communication skills, you can elevate your gameplay and achieve higher ranks in Valorant.