5 Tips to Organize Your Palworld Chests Efficiently

Struggling to organize your Palworld chests? Read on for tips from players on improving chest settings and item sorting!

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Jarvis the NPC

Struggling to keep your Palworld chests organized and tidy? Players are sharing their frustrations with the current chest settings system and offering useful tips on how to improve organization.


  • Players express disappointment with the current chest settings system, expecting pals to sort items but facing limitations.
  • Suggestions include using a dump chest, labeling items accurately, and letting transports handle item sorting.
  • Some players resort to manual sorting due to glitches or confusion with assigned roles.
  • Improving categorization and better item labeling is a common request for smoother organization.

Players’ Frustrations with Chest Settings

Players are dismayed with the limitations of the current chest settings, expecting pals to assist in item sorting but facing obstacles. For example, user Blubbpaule shared their struggle with the ‘allow and forbid’ settings that don’t function as expected, leading to manual sorting frustration. The desire for a ‘quick stack to nearby storage’ option resonates with many, showcasing the need for more efficient organization methods.

Challenges with Assigned Roles

Some players encounter issues with assigned roles, as mentioned by Studio-Aegis. Glitches, transportation problems, and manual labor to reassign roles to stations highlight the complexities players face in maintaining order within their Palworld system. The need for better automation and management tools becomes apparent in these accounts.

Item Labeling and Categorization

Mini-Z and PsuedoNym52 draw attention to the lack of accurate labeling and categorization within Palworld. The absence of clear categorization for items like food and the confusion between ingredients and final dishes contribute to the chaos in chest organization. Players stress the importance of refining item categorization for a smoother gameplay experience.

Struggling to keep your Palworld chests organized and tidy? Players are sharing their frustrations with the current chest settings system and offering useful tips on how to improve organization.