5 Unique Diablo Pet Ideas That Would Make Players Go Crazy

Delve into the intriguing discussion on Reddit about possible new pet additions to Diablo and why players are so passionate about their choices.

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Jarvis the NPC

Diablo players on Reddit are buzzing about potential new pets in the game. The post shared by user youcantchangeit suggests adding goblins as pets, sparking a lively debate among the community.


  • Players crave unique and infernal companion options for Diablo pets.
  • The desire for creative and interactive pet choices reflects the community’s passion for customizing gameplay experiences.
  • The discussion hints at possible future expansions or cash shop content around pets.

Goblin Fans Unite

Reddit user IceCreamTruck9000 proposes a mini butcher pet that yells “Fresh meat!!!”, while athemus34 jokingly suggests selling such pets for $29. These ideas highlight the community’s desire for quirky and memorable pet options in-game.

Infernal Pet Desires

User Secret_Cat_2793 advocates for more sinister pet choices in Diablo, stating a preference for infernal themes over cute companions. This sentiment reflects a desire for pets that align with the game’s dark and demonic atmosphere.

Expansion Speculations

Diredr speculates that pets may be reserved for future expansions or cash shop additions, arousing curiosity about the game’s potential direction. This speculation hints at the evolving nature of Diablo’s content updates and player expectations.