7 Fun Pet Ideas for Skull and Bones Players – Hilarity Ensues!

Get ready for a barrel of laughs with these wild pet ideas for Skull and Bones players!

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you ready to sail the high seas with Skull and Bones but missing a trusty companion by your side? Fear not, the Reddit community has some hilarious pet ideas to spice up your pirate adventures! From parrots to snakes and even a rat on the ship’s bottom (yes, really!), players suggest a menagerie of unique pets to accompany you on your nautical escapades. Let’s dive into the wild and wacky world of Skull and Bones pets!


  • Players propose various pet ideas for Skull and Bones, including parrots, snakes, and monkeys.
  • Suggestions range from helpful companions to quirky additions like a rat at the ship’s bottom.
  • The community showcases creativity with unique pet concepts like a hawk with a spitting cobra and a chameleon that blends into the background.

Parrots, Snakes, and Monkeys, Oh My!

The idea of having pet companions in Skull and Bones isn’t new, but players continue to brainstorm unique and entertaining options. From traditional parrots to more exotic choices like snakes and monkeys, the suggestions offer a mix of humor and practicality. Players like the idea of having pets that can accompany them on land or perform specific functions, adding depth to the gameplay experience.

Quirky Suggestions Galore

The community’s creativity shines through in the offbeat pet ideas proposed. From a rat scurrying at the ship’s bottom to a hawk returning with a spitting cobra in its talons, players showcase a sense of humor and imagination that adds a fun twist to the game. The suggestions range from realistic animal choices to fantastical creatures, expanding the possibilities for in-game pets.

Buffs and Benefits

While some pet ideas focus on the comedic aspect, others suggest practical benefits for players. For instance, a parrot that aids in fixing wind mechanics or a snake that coils up the pedestal could offer gameplay advantages beyond mere companionship. By incorporating buffs or unique abilities into the pet designs, players envision a more dynamic and engaging experience in Skull and Bones.

A Pirate’s Best Friend

As players continue to exchange pet ideas on the subreddit, it’s clear that the concept of companionship adds an extra layer of enjoyment to Skull and Bones. Whether players seek humor, utility, or sheer creativity in their pet choices, the community’s collective imagination enhances the game’s appeal and offers a delightful diversion from the high-stakes pirating action. Who knew that choosing a pet could be such a riotous adventure?