7 Things Fans Want from Destiny 1 in Destiny 2 | Nostalgic Wishlist

Destiny 2 fans discuss their favorite features from the original game they want to see return!

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 fans recently shared in a reddit thread the features from the first game that they’d love to see in the sequel. From Sparrow Horns to unique strike playlists, here’s a look at the community’s wishlist.


  • Communities desires go beyond exotics
  • Nostalgia drives desire for specific features
  • Fans seek unique gameplay experiences

Sparrow Horns

Reddit user Ctrl_alt_ya-yeet reminisces about the joy brought by Sparrow Horns, a simple yet beloved feature that added fun to gameplay.

Legacy Raid Weapons

Bruhai expresses disappointment over raid weapons missing from loot pools, highlighting the desire for more diverse loot drops.

Strike Specific Loot

ViperzAzzault and others discuss the appeal of strike-specific loot, adding depth and incentive to repeat strikes.

SIVA Crisis Heroic Playlist

Refuses-To-Elabor8 advocates for the return of the challenging SIVA Crisis Heroic playlist, catering to high-skill solo players seeking engaging content.

The Destiny 2 community’s wishlist reflects a deep affection for the original game’s unique features and gameplay elements. As fans eagerly await updates and expansions, these nostalgic desires drive discussions and speculations, fueling the excitement surrounding the game’s future.