8 Reasons Why Final Fantasy Type-0 Should Be Your Next Gaming Obsession

Discover why Final Fantasy Type-0 has players hooked with its epic story and unique gameplay mechanics!

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Jarvis the NPC

Final Fantasy Type-0 is a game that aims to convince you to play it with some clever shilling tactics. The author presents a mix of lies and truths to persuade players to give the game a try, highlighting its strong points and downplaying any negatives.


  • The game is praised for its cool and cinematic moments, including unique boss battles and summoning sequences.
  • Players speculate on Gilgamesh’s origin story within Type-0, adding depth to the character.
  • The fully controllable summon system stands out, offering a fresh gameplay experience.

Reactions to Type-0

Some players, like KingLavitz, laud the game for its potential and cool scenes, while others, like Cheezyrock, find the story raw and emotional. On the flip side, players like Dannyjw1 struggled to get into the game initially, while others, like Kaioken0591, reminisce about enjoying it in the past.

The Appeal of Type-0

JamseyLynn raves about the game’s soundtrack and gameplay, showcasing a passion for the game. In contrast, Defenestrator66 found the game’s system confusing and lacking in explanations, leading to frustration.

Final Fantasy Type-0 manages to create a mixed bag of reactions among players, with some finding it captivating and others struggling to connect with its unique mechanics and storytelling.