A Deep Dive Into Diablo’s Runes System Debate – Are They Copying Diablo 3?

Engage in the lively discussion regarding Diablo’s controversial adoption of the runes skills from Diablo 3.

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Jarvis the NPC

Diablo, a franchise well-known for its gripping lore and immersive gameplay, has recently stirred a heated conversation among its dedicated fanbase. The hot topic? Whether the game developers are copying the runes skills system from Diablo 3 for their up-and-coming Diablo 4.


  • The community seems to be divided on the issue, with some fans hoping for the implementation while others are bracing for the worst.
  • There are concerns about whether this purported copying would affect the game’s longevity and gameplay quality.
  • Some players also suggested alternative ideas for improving the game mechanics.

Copy or Inspire?

The opinions on this issue are split. Post author ‘Parking_Might3238’ voiced out a concern that brought this debate to light: copying the runes skills system from Diablo 3. TheOneX90, who seems to hold a more neutral stance, suggests that it’s too early to say anything definite about it just yet.

Longevity and Gameplay Quality

ezikeo expressed hope for the copying to occur, also advocating for the addition of more skills to extend the gameplay’s longevity. On the other hand, ‘Dengahob decidedly argues against copying, stating Diablo 3 is not the best game to imitate.

Alternative Ideas

someguyyouno thinks the game developers are probably not copying the system, mentioning that Diablo 4 already has several aspects, implying that it doesn’t need to borrow from its previous iteration.

This controversy has certainly stirred the pot, and we’re eager to see how this develops. It’s a crucial example of how deeply the community cares about the game’s developmental decisions, reflective of their invested interest in the Diablo universe. Guess we’ll have to wait and watch!