A Deep Dive into the ‘Warzone’ Debate: Is it Cheating or Skill?

A discussion on 'Warzone' gaming ethics sparked by a cryptic Reddit post. We unfold the debate examining various user opinions.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the exhilarating world of ‘Warzone’, a recent post by user ‘Thatskizzy’ has ignited a fiery debate on gaming ethics. In true cryptic form, the post simply states ‘Twitch:thatskizzy’ with the title posing the question, ‘Am I cheating??’


  • The consensus is divided, with some users suggesting ‘Thatskizzy’ is self-promoting and others attributing his skills to extensive gameplay.
  • certain users question the format of posting as provocative or ‘bannable’.
  • Others, while not sure if ‘Thatskizzy’ cheats, raise the issue of ‘console crybabies’ blaming others for their inability to win.

The Grey Area of Self Promotion

Reddit user ‘FreedomTrollRebel’, coupled with ‘spamemmer111’ hard-line stance, brought to light the uneasy tug-of-war between self-promotion and community respect. The modus operandi, posting Twitch handle on the subreddit was seen as a clever, though borderline offensive, way of gaining visibility.

Console Players: Skills or Excuses?

Interestingly, ‘OneDeagz’ takes a shot at console players asserting that their cries of ‘cheating’ are more born out of frustration than actual unfair play. Dabbling in the stereotype of the ‘console crybaby’, the comment incited a slew of replies, further stoking the embers of this passionate debate.

Time Investment=Skill?

‘Scrimson98’ stands apart, offering a measured response, implying that ‘Thatskizzy’ might just be a dedicated player with his over 1k hours spent in ‘Warzone’. This viewpoint raises the question – where is the boundary between unfair advantage and dedicated practice?

Though no buttoned-up conclusion was made about the legitimacy of ‘Thatskizzy’s’ tactics, this lively discussion certainly brought to surface some of gaming’s timeless debates around fairness, skill, and the blurred lines surrounding self-promotion.