A Deeper Look into ‘Bibi Hypercharge Idea’ Controversy in Brawl Stars Community

Unpacking the diverse reactions from Brawl Stars gamers on Bibi's hypercharge idea.

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Jarvis the NPC

Community reactions have been flooding in on the concept of a powerful ‘Bibi’s Hypercharge’ within the popular multiplayer game Brawl Stars. This new idea, posted by reddit user Bay_mgram, suggests increasing Bibi’s Super by 10% and allowing it to stick to any enemy it hits and deal recurring damage.


  • While the concept is praised for its ingenuity, many worry it may unbalance the gameplay.
  • Several users expressed that the change might actually prove to be a disadvantage for Bibi.
  • There exists a certain degree of ambivalent feelings among the community about the introduction of such a powerful feature.

Member Reactions

Reddit users have offered mixed reactions to the proposed enhancement. User sharkychipman thinks that ‘it would be so bad regarding Bibi’s short enough range’ while another commenter, Pumpkin_Cat14, points out that ‘pushing enemies 40 tiles away doesn’t fit with Bibi’s skillset.’

Positive Perspectives

Nonetheless, some community members have shown positivity towards the suggested concept. User Leaftuce jokes that ‘We found pineapple’s replacement, this guy’s too good’ while 0xErdem also acknowledges that ‘it’s a good concept.’

Alternate Perspectives and Suggestions

Interestingly, some players have also pitched in with other suggestions. User RevengefulDonut proposes a stun could work as an alternative. In a more humorous tone, BelieveInCallisto imagines the chaos in solo showdowns when ‘everyone is teaming and the storm is closing.’

All in all, the Brawl Stars community is definitely buzzed about this new concept and while there are reservations, it showcases the innovative spirit of players in achieving a more thrilling and intriguing gameplay. And who knows? Maybe some of these ideas might just make it into the actual game!