A Dive into Call of Duty Fans’ Perceptions on the Unreleased Advanced Warfare 2

Unpacking fan-made logos of the much-anticipated but yet-to-release game, Advanced Warfare 2.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fan-made logos for the famously yet-to-be-realized Call of Duty instalment, Advanced Warfare 2, are causing quite a stir amongst the game’s passionate community. The creative brain behind these graphics, TheAlmightyChanka, shared his digital artworks and sparked lively discussions.

A Spectrum of Opinions

  • Diverse preferences for different logo designs reflect the community’s varied aesthetic sensibility.
  • Regret expressed over unmaterialized sequels illuminates fans’ unfulfilled desires.
  • Conversations about a game’s potential technicalities underline the community’s keen attention to detail.

Logo Lovers Unite!

Out of all cohesive design elements, it was the first logo that excited the players the most. Echoing GREENSLAYER777’s sentiments, TheRed24 also found the first logo to be the most appealing, a sentiment also shared by pillpoppinanon.

A Dash of Nostalgia

Attractions weren’t solely limited to aesthetics. Certain fans noted their longing for the once-considered sequel to AW. GREENSLAYER777 expressed hope for continuation of the AW series, with TheRed24 conveying disappointment that the awaited sequel did not follow AW directly.

The Exosuit Entanglement

Opinions on game mechanics, specifically the exosuit, were also divided. For instance, LordBungaIII wished the exosuit would not make a comeback, while others like kaotikmindz expressed that AW’s movement mechanics were superior.

Whether it’s a longing glance at the unreleased sequel or a lively debate over gaming mechanics, it’s the passion for the Call of Duty series that fills each commentary. These comments reflect the diverse and dynamic conversations within the gaming community, as players eagerly anticipate future releases and nostalgically reflect on past glories.