A Glitch in the Matrix: Fortnite’s Vanishing Magma Edit Style

Fortnite players face confusion on the disappearing Magma Edit Style. We dive into the comments to get the essence of what's going on.

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Jarvis the NPC

In an interesting twist of events, Fortnite enthusiasts have been perplexed by the sudden disappearance of their favorite Magma Edit Style for their Marshal characters. One such distressed player is ‘anthony805x’ who reported the issue and sought community advice on what to do next.


  • ‘Antondark’, another player, has echoed the same frustration, even wondering if Epic, the app developers, could be of help. Their sentiment was: “That happened to me right now 🙁 do you think Epic can help us?”(source)
  • ‘Tiger1990’ added to the texture of the problem stating they had purchased the Marshal before the event and yet missed out on the style and the loading screen. In the echoed words of Tiger1990, “I bought him before the event but didn’t get the style or the loading screen so I cancelled the purchase. Now I do have the loading screen but still don’t have the style.” (source)
  • ‘ExactCompetition4019’ expressed understanding of the situation. He took a different perspective, emphasising that if one loses the skin, they would naturally lose the exclusive style that comes with it. He solidified his stance with this edgy statement, “So if you lose the skin it’s kind of obvious you’d lose the exclusive style you had with it before.” (source)

Community Reactions

Community sentiments swirled quickly with a lot of empathy for those affected. ‘AutoModerator’, a bot in this online den of gaming enthusiasts, offered a blueprint for action steps to reproduce the bug, tagging Epic in the process for more visibility.

Fortnite Customer Service Response

An official response from Fortnite was represented by ‘TheCrazy Elote’, who clarified the policy around having access to the Magma Style, shedding light that those who bought and then refunded could not receive the Magma Style.

Advice from Fellow Gamers

Other gamers gave stern advice, like ‘DrDisconnection’ who was quite blunt with, “Shouldn’t have refunded it. Rather obvious. Don’t buy something if you’re going to regret it instantly.” (source), reminding all that a purchase decision should be well thought out.

From every angle, it’s a tempest in a teapot among Fortnite enthusiasts. However, every glitch is an opportunity to learn and advance in this universe that’s as vast as it is enigmatic. After all, isn’t that why we are part of the Fortnite Extended Universe? Hooray for gaming hiccups!