A Real-Time Gauge: Counter-Strike Players Share Their Current Rankings in Premier and FACEIT

Catch up with Counter-Strike players as they discuss their current Premier and FACEIT rankings.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the heart-pumping world of Counter-Strike, rankings in Premier and/or FACEIT act as virtual badges of honor. Players from around the globe are checking in to share their current positions in the game’s hierarchy.


  • deltarunech2outyet initiated the discussion about player rankings in Premier and FACEIT.
  • The responses varied significantly, reflecting a broad spectrum of skill levels and experiences.
  • The common concerns included the presence of cheaters and the contrasting competitiveness across different formats.
  • Despite varying rankings and experiences, most players revelled in the camaraderie and anticipation that Counter-Strike brings to their daily lives.

Familiar Sentiments, Fresh Perspectives

Communal check-ins like these often act as great levelers; reminding every player, no matter their rank, that they are a part of a vibrant, global community. Some of the shared sentiments were humorous and lighthearted, like DinglePopPingle: “I’m in ‘Win 9 more games to reveal ranking’ rank”, and MajorasShoe: “5k, but it’s only that low because I’m bad at video games.”

All is Fair in Love and Gaming

Concerns about ‘cheaters’ appeared quite frequently in this discussion, indicating a consistent pain point across the gaming community. Players like Voges22 ranted, “Premier is always a nightmare for some reason. Cheaters or throwers every goddam game.” Similarly, pants_pants420 echoed, “22.5k premier 2300 faceit NA and yeah cheaters galore out here.”

The Joy of the Game

Despite the difficulties, many gamers relished the sense of camaraderie and healthy competition that Counter-Strike brings. As kujong perfectly summed up, “5k on relegation match. 5 stacks with buddies that are fairly new to the game. We sucks but everyday I’ve been looking forward for our night sessions after a tiring day at work.”

So there it is, folks! The thrill, the anticipation, the frustration, and the joy of the game we all love. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a fresh recruit, these discussions serve as a little time capsule that captures the ebb and flow of life in the Counter-Strike community.