Abiotic Factor: Beginner Items Guide for New Players

Discover essential loot recommendations for beginners in Abiotic Factor. Learn what items are crucial for success.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Abiotic Factor, navigating the office sector can be both thrilling and daunting for new players. This post from Elvishsquid seeks advice on special loot and items worth hunting for after venturing into the silo area.


  • Staplers: Valuable in crafting recipes
  • Resource Stacking: Keep a full stack of essential items
  • Power Cells Respawn: Return weekly for these valuable resources

Staplers – An Essential Resource

The consensus among players is clear—staplers are the backbone of resource management in Abiotic Factor. Avoid scrapping these items as they play a vital role in numerous crafting recipes. Octarine_turtle emphasizes the importance of preserving staplers for future needs.

Resource Stacking Strategy

Another key tip shared by LetMeDrinkYourLove is the significance of resource stacking. While it’s impractical to hoard every piece of loot, maintaining at least one full stack of key items like Gauges and Desk Phones proves beneficial in the long run. This foresight ensures readiness for upcoming crafting updates.

Power Cells Rejuvenation

Players like Foreverseth and No-Contest4520 highlight the respawn mechanics of Power Cells in Abiotic Factor. A weekly reset grants players additional Power Cells, offering a renewable resource to leverage strategic advantages. Remembering to revisit key locations for respawning items is a game-changer.

DelugeFPS echoes the sentiment, advocating for resourceful item management to navigate the evolving challenges outside the office sector. The focus on essentials like duct tape and preservation strategies underscores the dynamic nature of gameplay progression in Abiotic Factor.