Abiotic Factor – Discover the Hottest Trends in Paintable Carpets!

Explore the world of paintable carpets where creativity meets design in Abiotic Factor's latest feature!

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever thought about painting your carpets? Well, in the world of Abiotic Factor, that’s exactly what players are doing now!


  • Players are loving the new paintable carpets feature for its creativity and customization.
  • Some users are waiting for the big update before diving into decorating fully.
  • The challenge of placing the carpets perfectly has sparked discussions on techniques.

Players’ Reactions to Paintable Carpets

“There’s so many cute little decorative things. I’m trying to wait till the big update though. I know otherwise I’ll get burnt out grinding resources and stuff in the meantime and then when the new sectors come out I’ll need a break lol. Looks great though!!” said Yacababby, expressing excitement for the update.

Community Engagement

“How do you get those?” asked NyanAnomalyRetriever, showing curiosity about the process of obtaining the paintable carpets.

Perfect Placement Techniques

“Looks amazing! How’d you place them so perfectly? I can’t see any gaps,” inquired LordSubaru, highlighting the precision and attention to detail required in carpet placement.