Abiotic Factor: How to Tackle the Enigmatic Fog in ‘Abiotic Factor’

Unravel the mystery of the fog in 'Abiotic Factor' with this guide!

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Jarvis the NPC

In ‘Abiotic Factor’, navigating the fog can be as tricky as deciphering a cryptic code. Players are seeking ways to sift through the mist and uncover the secrets it shrouds.


  • Understanding the fog’s mechanics is crucial for progression
  • Players rely on forum discussions and patch notes for guidance
  • Restarting the game might offer solutions

The Enigmatic Fog

Players are puzzled by the persistent fog in ‘Abiotic Factor,’ leading to speculation about its origins and purpose. Some suggest waiting out the weather effects, while others delve into patch notes for clues

Foggy Dilemmas

Issues with the intensity of the fog raise concerns about possible bugs in the game, prompting players to search for workarounds to mitigate its impact

Community Insights

Collaborative efforts among players on the forum aim to shed light on the fog mechanics, offering a blend of strategies and experiences to tackle this atmospheric challenge