Abiotic Factor: Storage Woes in Early Game

Discover the struggle of storing items in the early game. Will your precious loot despawn if not safely stored?

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you tired of losing your items to the abyss in Abiotic Factor? The struggle is real, my friends!


  • Players face the challenge of items despawning if not stored properly.
  • Early game strategies include using cabinets until better storage options are available.
  • Community members emphasize the importance of storage in survival games.

Storage Struggles

When it comes to storing items in Abiotic Factor, players are facing a common dilemma: to chest or not to chest? Your_pal_mr_face posed the question of whether it’s safe to leave items lying around or if they should be stashed in chests to prevent despawning.

Community Insights

One user, AnybodyZ, warned that dropped items will indeed despawn if left unattended, stressing the need for proper storage solutions. JustAnotherTrickyDay shared a personal experience of losing items left at a new location, highlighting the importance of securing belongings.

Early Game Strategies

For those struggling in the early game, DVG158 suggested using cabinets as a temporary storage solution until the player can craft more permanent options like crates. Northernsoul01 provided a general survival game tip, stating that items will despawn if not stored adequately.

Agentfyre advised players to practice packaging items efficiently, eventually leading to more advanced storage options such as filing cabinets and desks. The consensus among users is clear: in Abiotic Factor, storage is key to preserving your hard-earned loot.