Abiotic Factor: The Hunt for a Water Source in AbioticFactor Game

Join fellow players in the search for the ultimate water source in AbioticFactor game!

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Jarvis the NPC

Seeking the perfect water source is a rite of passage in the AbioticFactor community. Players share their experiences, strategies, and frustrations, all in the name of hydration.


  • Players face challenges in securing water early in the game.
  • Some prefer water coolers, while others seek advanced purification tech.
  • Community members share their creative base setups near water sources.

Player Strategies

One player, Prysm_8, emphasizes the importance of water filters and the abundance of water coolers as a temporary solution. They highlight the necessity of adapting based on server size and available resources.

Base Building Adventures

Captain-Havelock-VT recounts their base placement across a chasm, utilizing a wooden bridge for access. The discovery of a Manufacturing station adds a new twist to their water sourcing story.

Technological Yearnings

PapaTahm expresses a desire for an intermediary water purification tech, proposing a solution to the stark contrast between early and advanced water treatment methods. The community resonates with the need for a smoother progression in this aspect.