Abiotic Factor: The Nefarious Nerf of the Vegetable Stew

Discover the community uproar over the nerfing of the beloved vegetable stew in Abiotic Factor.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Abiotic Factor, the vegetable stew takes a hit, much to the dismay of players. The recent nerf has left many in a state of shock and discontent.


  • Players express frustration over the significant hunger and thirst reduction in all foods.
  • Some players call for a reversal of the grilled food nerf, citing constant starvation.
  • A player finds making soup easy, boasting about having multiple pots at hand.

Community Outrage

Player MikeyBoi1132 remarks, “All foods have had the hunger and thirst dropped by about half.” This significant reduction in the nourishment levels of all foods has sparked frustration among players who now find themselves struggling to maintain their characters’ well-being.

Starvation Woes

GeneralKenobi2_0 shares a personal anecdote, stating, “I really wish they’d revert the grilled food nerf because me and my homie are starving constantly between each little piece of meat we can scrounge, mostly because he ate the only potato we’ve found and I don’t know where to find another.” The struggle for sustenance is real, leading to intense gameplay challenges for some players.

Soup Master

Yacababby brings a different perspective, highlighting the ease of making soup by saying, “Soup is so easy to make though. I have like 8 pots just sitting on the floor rn.” This player’s efficient soup-making skills stand in stark contrast to the struggles faced by others, showcasing the diverse experiences within the game.

In a world where even the humble vegetable stew can cause such uproar, players must adapt to ever-evolving gameplay dynamics, finding new strategies to navigate the challenges thrown their way.