Abiotic Factor: The Rise of Incoming Defense Bots in the Security Sector

Get ready to face off against grenade lobbing robots and bring out the big guns in Abiotic Factor's Security Sector.

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Jarvis the NPC

Abiotic Factor has announced the arrival of new defense bots in the Security Sector, prompting mixed reactions among players. These incoming bots are set to challenge players with their grenade lobbing abilities, forcing them to amp up their arsenal. The community is buzzing with speculations and concerns as they gear up to face this new threat.


  • Players are excited about the prospect of facing tougher opponents in the form of defense bots armed with heavy weaponry.
  • Some players express concerns about the potential challenges these bots may pose in the game’s environment.
  • The community discusses the need for more powerful weapons to combat the new threat effectively.

Reactions from the Community

MarkVHun shares his frustration at the inability to loot rocket launchers from the defense bots, sparking a humorous riot threat among players.

Rathlius questions the origin of the defense bots, hinting at a possible sneak peek into upcoming content.

LaserGadgets shows enthusiasm for upgraded weapons to tackle the defense bots effectively, suggesting a range of powerful armaments.

Concerns and Speculations

AmericanVanilla94 raises a valid concern about the suitability of deploying grenade-launching defense bots in a workplace setting.

Sean_Permana expresses disbelief at the new grenade-launching feature of the defense bots, hinting at a potential increase in the bots’ combat capabilities.

Dalzombie adds a comedic touch to the discussion, humorously welcoming the new defense bots and emphasizing the need for a warm reception.

Gearing Up for the Challenge

BreadWithAGun amusingly comments on the defense bot’s serious demeanor when it comes to restocking vending machines, showcasing a lighter side to the impending challenge.

Ckinggaming5 voices concerns about the difficulty of facing these new defense bots, pondering on ammunition scarcity and strategizing for the upcoming battle.

Prudent-Pressure2536 looks forward to the day when players can create their own defense bots, highlighting the evolving dynamics within the game’s community.