Abiotic Factor: The Ultimate Base Attack Event Proposal

What if a massive wave were to approach your base in the game? Join the discussion on this intriguing event proposal.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of gaming, the idea of facing unexpected challenges is both thrilling and daunting. Imagine a scenario where a massive wave of enemies is heading towards your base, ready to launch a devastating attack. How would players react to such a dramatic twist in gameplay?


  • Players propose an intense base attack event that introduces new challenges beyond the standard gameplay.
  • The concept of a relentless enemy or an unkillable monster adds a fresh layer of excitement and tension to the game.
  • Suggestions include warning messages, hiding mechanics, and dynamic enemy behavior to enhance the gaming experience.
  • Concerns are raised about the potential impact on player progression and the importance of giving players the option to toggle such events.

A New Level of Challenge

One player suggested the idea of a menacing presence stalking players during the night, escalating to a full-blown hunt if players fail to find a safe hiding spot in time. This concept adds a sense of urgency and suspense to the gameplay, pushing players to think strategically about their survival tactics.

Existing Gameplay Mechanisms

Some users pointed out that similar raid mechanics already exist in the game, where enemies spawn at a distance and gradually approach the player’s location. However, the proposal aims to introduce a more dynamic and unpredictable element to these encounters, creating a truly immersive and challenging experience for the players.

Creative Enemy Designs

Another intriguing suggestion involved a composer enemy chasing players, forcing them to run and hide to avoid being caught. The addition of unique enemy behaviors and interactions can enrich the game’s narrative and keep players on the edge of their seats as they navigate these thrilling encounters.

As the community explores the possibilities of a massive wave attacking players’ bases, the debate between excitement and practicality emerges. The balance between introducing new, engaging content and respecting players’ preferences and progression remains a crucial aspect of game development. Whether this event becomes a reality or not, the imaginative discussions sparked by such proposals showcase the creative spirit and passion within the gaming community.