Abiotic Factor: Understanding Game Progression on Different Servers

Unsure if your items carry over when switching between servers in game? Find out here!

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Jarvis the NPC

Ever wondered what happens to your game progress when transitioning between servers? Let’s dive into the mechanics of cross-server play in your favorite games!


  • Character progression is usually tied to individual servers.
  • Items and achievements are specific to the server you play on.
  • Switching servers may mean starting fresh in terms of progress.

User Experiences

Many players shared their experiences with transitioning between servers. User Mrknif3guy_XD mentioned, ‘Yes, characters are saved per world,’ highlighting the server-specific nature of character progression. User UsernameIsntFree added, ‘You have a new character on each server you play. Items and progression are not carried over,’ emphasizing the separation between server states.

Community Insights

Community discussions revolved around the impact of server changes on player progression. While some users appreciated the fresh start each server offered, others expressed frustration at losing hard-earned items when switching servers. Understanding these dynamics can enhance your gameplay experience and strategic decisions in-game.

Strategies and Considerations

When venturing into new servers, it’s crucial to adapt your gameplay approach based on the server-specific rules. Whether you enjoy the challenge of starting anew or prefer continuity across servers, embracing the diverse gameplay experiences each server offers can enrich your gaming journey!