Abiotic Factor: Unwelcome Guests and Crystal Raids in Base

Discover unexpected guests in this thrilling post about mysterious spawns in a player's base.

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Jarvis the NPC

Players in Abiotic Factor were in for a surprise as a mysterious figure spawned in one player’s base without warning or event triggers. RedOwl3245 shared the strange occurrence, leaving the community intrigued and wary of these unexpected events.


  • Crystal spawns can occur unexpectedly, adding a layer of surprise and danger to player bases.
  • Players described encounters with these spawns as ambushes, with no prior warning.
  • Crystalisks are considered one of the most dangerous raids due to their stealthy nature.

Valtremors on Spawn Locations

Valtremors highlighted that crystal spawns outside the safe zone can act as external raids, similar to The Order or invading zombies. These crystal creatures remain dormant until provoked, contrasting with the destructive nature of other threats.

Deadgirl21’s Unusual Encounter

Deadgirl21 shared an unusual sighting of crystals in caves, noting their resource drops for trinkets and bombs. The unexpected appearance of crystals adds an element of unpredictability to gameplay.

RealBrianCore on Relentless Pursuit

RealBrianCore theorized that crystal spawns lack a designated home point, leading them to relentlessly hunt players until one side perishes. This feature adds a sense of urgency and danger to encounters with these creatures.

Players in the Abiotic Factor community continue to share their experiences and strategies for dealing with unexpected crystal spawns, keeping the excitement alive in the game.