All Aboard the ‘Honkai: Star Rail’ Hype Train: Ruan Mei Lovers Chime in!

Why fans are intrigued by Ruan Mei from 'Honkai: Star Rail.' Find out gamers' reasons for pulling or not pulling for this enigmatic character.

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Jarvis the NPC

There’s a hot topic burning through the fan community of the exciting game ‘Honkai: Star Rail.’ It’s all about whether they will pull for the mysterious and enigmatic character, Ruan Mei and their reasons behind their decision.


  • Fans love Ruan Mei’s design and her powerful kit.
  • Many find her legs and voice to be rather appealing.
  • Others are pulled in by her broken meta and unique game abilities.
  • However, some players have financial constraints hindering them from pulling for her.

Keen Observations and Expressions of Awe

With reactions varying from straightforward admiration like crabsmal’s succinct ‘Yes,’ to elaborately enthusiastic expressions, like Crimsonshock821’s ‘Pulling because she’s just so elegant looking, I love her blueish green eyes…and well those legs look nice as well.’ It seems there’s a captivated audience for Ruan Mei.

A Sense of Humor

The community also brings in a fair share of humour to the discussion. Emphasising on her attractiveness, Wild-Mycologist2118 streamlined their rationale into: ‘She is sexy. I like sexy. Hence, must pull.’

In A Perfect World

And then there are those with a pragmatic angle. Spy_co sums this up with a wry admission: ‘No. Because I’m broke.’

Being part of such a wide, vivacious and comedic community can be a thrill on its own. Whether you’re in favor of pulling for Ruan Mei or against it, it’s clear that this character has sparked conversations, fuelled admiration, and certainly raised some eyebrows (and smiles!). Despite the differing opinions, what binds this community is their shared joy in the gaming world of ‘Honkai: Star Rail’ and their enigmatic obsessions around its characters like Ruan Mei.