All About 5-Cost Champions in Team Fight Tactics (TFT)

Discover the real legendary 5-cost champions and the chaos they bring in TFT!

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) is full of surprises, especially when it comes to those elusive 5-cost champions. Today, we dive into the chaos surrounding these powerhouse units and the impact they have on the game.


  • Discover the hidden power of 5-cost champions
  • Uncover the bugs and interactions causing chaos
  • Players experience frustration and amusement

Legendary Chaos

Players share their struggles and unexpected victories with the legendary 5-cost champions, adding a unique twist to the gameplay. From bugs to unexpected interactions, chaos ensues as the lobby navigates through an unpredictable battlefield.

Bug Bounty

Amid the chaos, bugs on the PBE become a topic of conversation. Players express their frustration and disbelief at the unexpected glitches that disrupt their gameplay experience, leading to humorous yet exasperating moments as they strive for victory.

Frustration and Amusement

While some players find the chaos frustrating, others embrace it with humor and amusement. The unexpected encounters and interactions with 5-cost champions create memorable moments that add flavor to the TFT experience, reminding players that unpredictability is part of the game’s charm.

Categories TFT