All Hands on Deck: Helping Out in Skull and Bones Beta

The Skull and Bones beta is coming to an end, and players are reaching out for assistance in wrapping up their remaining tasks.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones is nearing the end of its beta phase, and players are looking for help to complete any unfinished business. Whether it’s finding elusive items or tackling tough quests, gamers are turning to the community for guidance and support.


  • Players seek assistance with completing quests and finding elusive items.
  • Some players express disbelief that the beta is ending so soon.
  • Questions arise about game release time and optimal leveling strategies.

When’s the Big Finale?

One user, Bigblock460, directly asks, “When’s it done?” While the beta may have felt short to some, the end is inevitable. Many gamers are scrambling to tie up loose ends and make the most of their limited time in the beta.

Finding the Right Time

Another curious player, MuchManyBread, inquires about the release time for those who own the premium edition. While there may be some excitement surrounding the full game release, the priority in the beta is to finish quests and maximize progress.

A Slow Start?

One skeptical user, Blawn14, amusingly comments, “‘Slowly coming to a close,’ my dude, it’s the first day still lol.” This sentiment reflects the disbelief of some players who expected more time in the beta. The rush to complete tasks before the deadline adds an extra layer of urgency.

Leveling Dilemma

mbathrowawaygo seeks advice on optimizing their leveling time for launch carryover. They explain their progress, needing guidance on the Helm quest to sail East Indies. The challenging enemies they encounter prompt them to wonder what strategies they should be employing to progress efficiently.

The Search for Exclusives

Panzerman01, a dedicated player who has explored the entire map and achieved a high-ranking ship, is struggling to find specific cosmetic items. They inquire about the Compagnie hull paint and Dutch Merchant Company clothing, hoping someone in the community knows their elusive locations. This exemplifies the desire to obtain exclusive customization options before the beta concludes.

In the final days of the Skull and Bones beta, players are coming together to help one another tackle challenges and seek out hidden treasures. The limited-time nature of the beta intensifies the collective enthusiasm to complete quests and acquire exclusive items. As the beta draws to a close, the Skull and Bones community remains active, ensuring that no player is left stranded in uncharted waters.