All You Need to Know About Upgrading Parts in Skull and Bones

Looking to upgrade parts in Skull and Bones? Find out how to acquire more upgrade parts and the best strategies from the community!

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Jarvis the NPC

In Skull and Bones, upgrading parts is crucial for success on the high seas. Whether you’re a seasoned captain or just starting out, knowing how to acquire more upgrade parts can make all the difference in your gameplay.


  • Discover key sources for obtaining upgrade parts in Skull and Bones.
  • Learn why the season pass can be a valuable resource for upgrade parts.
  • Explore community tips for efficiently upgrading your ship.

Upgrade Parts Guide

If you’re seeking more upgrade parts in Skull and Bones, community members recommend earning them from various in-game activities. From interacting with specific characters to completing bounties, there are multiple ways to bolster your supply.

Season Pass Benefits

Players emphasize the benefits of acquiring upgrade parts through the season pass. By taking advantage of this progression tree, you can streamline your upgrades and focus more on gameplay than resource gathering.

Community Strategies

According to seasoned captains, efficiently upgrading your ship involves planning and prioritizing certain upgrades. By following expert advice and leveraging in-game rewards, you can enhance your vessel’s performance and dominate the seas.

Exploring the world of Skull and Bones offers endless possibilities for customization and strategic play. By mastering the art of upgrading parts, you can sail with confidence and tackle any challenge that comes your way. Bon voyage!