An RNG Rollercoaster in Genshin Impact: Player Sentiments Unveiled

Discovering the thrill and frustration of RNG in Genshin Impact through the reactions of players following one puzzling post.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Genshin Impact, the thread of destiny can unravel in unpredictable ways. This is especially true when players are at the mercy of the game’s RNG system, as detailed in an enlightening subreddit post titled, ‘IS THIS A JOKE’, posted by an engaged player, platonicgrl.


  • Intense player reactions to the unpredictable and often frustrating RNG system
  • In-game items, namely artifacts and their roles, are the focus of the discussion
  • Community suggestions and advice in dealing with the game’s mechanisms

A Closer Look at RNG

As succinctly put by user Joe_from_ungvar, “it’s rng, after multiple bad rolls, I would’ve stopped early“. This statement highlights the gamble-like nature of the game’s RNG system, and how the rewards may not always justify continued pursuit.

Artifact Frustrations

What is striking from this discussion is how a single artifact can generate such a vast spread of reactions. Some players, like Matryosmare and Sharp_Instruction_41 have a pretty optimistic outlook stating it as “A piece for Albedo” and “Just an artifact for Itto“, respectively. However, for others like popileviz, the grinding process takes a more torturous turn, asking the bemused quip, “Did you roll it up to 20 just to hurt yourself?“.

Community Support

Beyond the humor and frustration, the thread also takes on a softer side with the community coming together to exchange advice and plight stories. BeastOfShitpost warns new players purporting, “Yes. The game is infamous for those kinds of jokes. Get used to it.“. Reflecting on the ups and downs of Genshin Impact prompts us to appreciate the power of shared experiences and camaraderie.

A simple artifact may be just a piece of code, but the emotional rollercoaster it can induce is undeniably real. It’s also a testament to the power of the Genshin Impact community. After all, humor is the best medicine in trying times, and by the looks of things, it seems like the RNG gods won’t be making things easy anytime soon. So whether you’re on the lookout for an Albedo piece or saving up for Itto, hang in there – and maybe, just for a moment, take pleasure in the fact that the Genshin struggle is real and shared. Happy gaming!