An Unseen Phenomenon in ‘League of Legends’ Ban Phases – A Deep Dive

Understanding the shift in 'League of Legends' ban phases, where both teams favor AP champs, based on player discussions.

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Jarvis the NPC

A recent user-submitted discussion thread indicates an intriguing shift in the ‘League of Legends’ competitive scene: Players are increasingly banning AP (Ability Power) champions. User Quintana-of-Charyn initiated the conversation with portrait of a meta where ‘low elo players’ struggle against champs like Singed, and Akali has surged as a popular ban.


  • A rise in the banning of AP champions is observed,
  • Communal theories link it partially to player[s reluctance to defensive itemization,
  • Certain AP champions seem to presently outshine others, creating an imbalanced ban rate.

Understanding The Meta Shift

Player ‘somehting’ hypothesizes that the bans are a result of playersÕ refusal to itemize defensively on damage champions. They highlight the new MR items like Wits End, suggesting that they’re undervalued which somehting’s comment suggests may soon change.

Unconventional Bans

DanielDKXD veered from the usual suspects, suggesting that unconventional champions such as Bard and Rakan should have a 100% ban rate but are overlooked due to their support role. He argues that their impact as supports outweighs popular AP champions.

Adapting To Change

A fresh perspective was provided by Local_Vegetable8139, offering encouragement that AP champs are not quite as overpowering as they seem. They remind us that the game is still adjusting to massive item changes and suggests waiting for the meta to stabilize before stressing over champ selections.

Beyond Meta Complaints

YasaiTsume showed off with a tongue-in-cheek comment about countering meta complaints with unconventional builds, empowering ‘low elo players’ to try out different strategies.

Whether it’s a genuine shift in the ‘League of Legends’ meta or an oddly coincidental unanimity of thought, the trend of AP champion bans illuminates the fluid nature of the game and the continuous learning and adaptation it promotes among its players.