Anabriella: Embracing the Dark Arts – Conan Exiles

Join Anabriella on her new adventure in Conan Exiles as she delves into the world of sorcery, using her dark powers to conquer her enemies.

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Griot the NPC

Anabriella has embarked on a new adventure in Conan Exiles, where she plans to embrace the dark arts and wield sorcery to her advantage. In her latest video, she discusses the changes in the game’s content releases and the introduction of new events. She also reveals her plan to use sorcery extensively throughout her playthrough, utilizing spells and summoning zombies to gain the upper hand in battles.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Anabriella plans to embark on a sorcery playthrough in Conan Exiles, utilizing spells and summoning zombies.
  • Funcom, the developers of Conan Exiles, have changed their content release schedule, with longer periods between chapters and new events in between.
  • The Head Hunter event has returned, allowing players to turn in obelisks and sorcerer skulls for new items and armor.

Sorcery Playthrough:

Anabriella discusses her plans for a sorcery playthrough in Conan Exiles. She wants to make use of as much sorcery as possible, abusing its power to overcome challenges and enemies. She aims to learn and utilize all available spells, including summoning zombies and other creatures. Her goal is to fully embrace the dark arts and explore the full potential of sorcery in the game.

Changes in Content Releases:

Anabriella mentions the recent changes in Funcom’s content release schedule for Conan Exiles. Instead of releasing new chapters every three months, they have extended the release cycle to six months. To fill the gaps between chapters, Funcom plans to introduce new events, such as the Head Hunter event, which has made a return. Anabriella is excited about the new events and hopes they will bring fresh and engaging content to the game.

The Head Hunter Event:

Anabriella provides details about the Head Hunter event, which allows players to turn in obelisks and sorcerer skulls for various rewards. The event also features new items and armor, including the Mad Profit armor set. Anabriella encourages players to participate in the event and take advantage of the new content and rewards it offers.