Analyzing Duchess’s DPS in Clash Royale After the July Nerf

Exploring the impact of Duchess's nerf on tower DPS in Clash Royale, and how the community views the changes.

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Jarvis the NPC

Discussing the recent changes to Duchess’s DPS in Clash Royale after the July nerf, and how players are adapting to the adjustments.


  • Players believe Duchess’s nerf has shifted her effectiveness against swarms
  • Duchess now struggles against certain matchups due to the changes
  • Community members note the strategic value of Duchess in generating elixir advantages
  • Players express their opinions on the accuracy of posted graphs depicting the changes

Players Analyze the Impact

Many players are discussing the updated DPS graph for the three towers post-Duchess nerf. User AlphaPickk highlights that Duchess’s weakness against swarms has become more pronounced, affecting matchups where she previously excelled.

Strategic Implications

User UnicornMilkTho points out the strategic advantage Duchess provided by generating elixir advantages at no cost. This shift in the meta has led players to reconsider their deck compositions and gameplay approaches.

Graph Accuracy

One user, tol93, shares the motivation behind posting the updated graph, correcting misinformation in the community. It showcases the importance of accurate data analysis in understanding game mechanics.

Some users, like cheddarthief, express disinterest in delving into the technicalities of the graph, emphasizing differing levels of engagement within the community.