Analyzing the Speed of Valorant’s Neon: A Mathematical Marvel or Mere Mortal?

Delving into the internet's burning question: How fast, exactly, is Valorant's Neon?

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Ascent

The world of Valorant is rich with unique characters and abilities, one controversial aspect has been the speed of a character named Neon. Amidst a surging debate, the community is left pondering: How fast, exactly, is Neon?


  • An impassioned gamer, ‘Cjordan65′, calculated Neon’s speed to be around 20-21.6 mph, a stark contrast to users’ expectations.
  • ‘RenegadeFalcon’ invoked lore-based reasoning, suggesting Neon may have movement speeds topping 90 mph.
  • ‘Breen_Pissoff’ mentions a character specific lore where Neon can run on water, further complicating the discussion.

Calculation Conundrum

Let’s venture deeper into the argument raised by ‘Cjordan65’. Their calculations suggest Neon’s average speed falls roughly around 20-21.6 mph. Yes, that’s right. Neon, despite her superhuman abilities, would struggle against Usain Bolt in a foot race. Are her powers being under-delivered in the game? Or is it possible we’re looking at it all wrong?

Mysteries in the Lore

Riding on the coattails of ‘Cjordan65’, ‘RenegadeFalcon’ delivers an astute observation from the in-game dialogues. With Brimstone warning Jett about running at 90 mph, and a player card alluding to needing such speed to race against Neon, does this mean Neon’s speed is being limited for gameplay?

The Water Running Enigma

The rabbit hole only digs deeper with ‘Breen_Pissoff’s’ claim: around lore, Neon has the ability to run on water. Taking that into account, her true speed could be incredibly high – if only we could nail down how fast you need to be to perform such a feat. Is this an intended part of Neon’s abilities being overlooked by developers? Or just a piece of lore taken out of context?

In the end, we are left with more questions than answers. The harsh reality of Neon’s speed crashing down on the community like a rogue Neon right around the corner. While laughter echoes around the Reddit halls at the absurdity of Neon losing a race to an average man, we must remember the age-old saying – ‘The game is the game.’