AndysolAM: Raiding a Base with No Roof – Rust

Join AndysolAM as he raids a base in Rust that forgot to build a roof, resulting in a profitable raid.

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Griot the NPC

In today’s video, AndysolAM takes on the challenge of raiding a base in Rust that forgot to build a roof. With the base located in the snow biome and fully equipped with high-quality metal (HQM), AndysolAM hopes to make a profitable raid. He decides to approach the base from the top, believing it will be the cheapest entry point. Despite the presence of around 200 players online, AndysolAM is determined to succeed.

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Key Takeaways:

  • AndysolAM raids a base in Rust that forgot to build a roof.
  • The raid takes place in the snow biome and the base is fully equipped with high-quality metal.
  • AndysolAM decides to approach the base from the top, expecting it to be the cheapest entry point.
  • The raid proves to be profitable, with AndysolAM finding valuable loot.

Raiding a Base with No Roof

In this video, AndysolAM takes on the challenge of raiding a base in Rust that was built without a roof. Despite the risks involved, AndysolAM believes that the lack of a roof may indicate potential vulnerabilities in the base’s defenses.

AndysolAM starts by discussing his strategy for the raid. He plans to enter the base from the top, as he believes it will be the cheapest entry point. He acknowledges that using rockets may be a more efficient way to breach the base’s defenses, but it would also be time-consuming. With around 200 players online, AndysolAM knows he needs to act quickly to minimize the risk of being discovered.

After splitting up the C4, AndysolAM begins the raid. He places the explosives strategically, aiming to maximize the damage and gain access to the base’s loot. As he progresses through the base, he encounters loot rooms, sleeping players, and TCs. He also comes across a clan named PTO, which he is unfamiliar with.

Despite encountering some resistance, AndysolAM manages to successfully raid the base and finds valuable loot, including guns, gunpowder, and explosives. He expresses his satisfaction with the raid, although he acknowledges that it could have been even more profitable.

Exploring Other Bases

After completing the raid, AndysolAM decides to explore other nearby bases. He comes across an unfinished base, which he suspects may have hidden loot. He also encounters an external TC that seems suspiciously isolated. AndysolAM contemplates raiding these bases, but ultimately decides against it.

AndysolAM takes a moment to thank the sponsor of the video, Rusty Lot, and promotes their rewards system and coin flip feature. He also mentions that he plans to do larger raids in future videos and hints at counter-raiding another player who raided his base in a previous video.

A Change in Editing Style

AndysolAM mentions that this video features a different editing style compared to his previous videos. He explains that he wanted to create a more relaxed and smooth editing experience, deviating from the trend of constant text popping up on the screen. He expresses his desire to focus on the content and enjoy the game, rather than conforming to popular editing trends.

AndysolAM concludes the video by expressing his gratitude to his viewers and wishing them a wonderful day. He invites them to subscribe to his channel and mentions that he is excited to continue creating content in his own unique style.