AnnacakeLIVE: Diablo 4 – PTR Season 5 Feedback – Weird!

AnnacakeLIVE provides feedback on the PTR for Diablo 4 Season 5, highlighting the weirdness and issues with the new activity and uniques.

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AnnacakeLIVE recently uploaded a video discussing her thoughts and feedback on the PTR for Diablo 4 Season 5. She found the PTR to be super weird and encountered various issues with the new activity and uniques. In this blog post, we will delve into the key takeaways from her video and explore the details of her feedback.

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Key Takeaways:

  • The new activity, Infernal HSE, was introduced in the PTR for Season 5. While it was fun on paper, it had issues with buff and debuff shrines and lack of rewards.
  • The new uniques introduced for every class were too generic and not in line with the developers’ intention of providing build diversity.
  • There were various nerfs and changes to different classes, with the Barbarian being the strongest and the Sorceress needing improvements in terms of damage.
  • Quality of life changes, such as boss resets and damage tooltips, were appreciated by players.

New Activity: Infernal HSE

The PTR introduced the new activity, Infernal HSE, which is a wave-based activity with a maximum of 10 waves. However, players found that the activity took a long time and the buffs and debuffs from the shrines were not interesting. Additionally, the lack of rewards at the end of the activity was a major issue. AnnacakeLIVE suggests that the activity should provide more loot and materials to make it more rewarding.

New Uniques

Several new uniques were introduced for every class, but players felt that they were too generic and didn’t promote build diversity. AnnacakeLIVE mentions specific examples like the new pants for the Sorceress that shoot chain lightning and the Torm Dager for the Rogue. However, the generic uniques were not well-received as they became a mandatory choice for every build. The developers should focus on creating unique and interesting uniques for each class.

Class Changes and Nerfs

During the PTR, various classes received nerfs and changes. The Necromancer’s minions were nerfed, but they still remain useful for leveling. The Barbarian was the strongest class, while the Sorceress suffered from low damage output. The Rogue had cool changes and potential for new builds, while the Druid had mixed feedback. AnnacakeLIVE hopes that the developers address the issues with the Sorceress and make it more powerful in the new season.

Quality of Life Changes

The PTR introduced some quality of life changes, such as boss resets and damage tooltips. These changes were well-received by players and improved the overall gameplay experience. Boss resets allow players to reset boss fights without leaving the area, while damage tooltips provide clearer information about damage numbers. These changes are considered essential and should be implemented in the upcoming season.

The PTR for Diablo 4 Season 5 had its fair share of issues and weirdness, but it’s important to remember that it’s still a testing phase. The developers have time to address the feedback and make necessary changes before the season goes live. AnnacakeLIVE’s feedback highlights the key areas that need improvement, such as the new activity, uniques, class balance, and quality of life changes. With the developers’ attention and player feedback, Season 5 has the potential to be a great experience for players.