AnnacakeLIVE: Fluty Rogue Build and the Elusive Recipes

Join AnnacakeLIVE as she explores the new Fluty Rogue build in her latest video, but will she find the elusive tempering recipes she needs?

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Griot the NPC

AnnacakeLIVE recently uploaded a video titled “!PTR Last Day! Final Thoughts! Doing All Uniques Build,” where she dives into the new Fluty Rogue build in the upcoming season. Throughout the video, she discusses her experiences with the build and her thoughts on the new key passive choices that have been introduced. She also touches on the issue of tempering recipes not dropping during her testing on the PTR.

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Key Takeaways:

  • The new Fluty Rogue build is showing promise for the upcoming season, with new key passive choices and increased attack power.
  • The damage per Dark Shroud is a new tempering option that can provide a significant damage boost to builds that do not run the top three key passes.
  • There is ongoing discussion about the balance of different builds in the PTR, with some players advocating for changes to certain classes.

The Elusive Recipes:

Throughout her testing, AnnacakeLIVE encountered a frustrating issue with the tempering recipes not dropping. Despite hours of farming and numerous resets, she was unable to obtain the specific recipe she needed for her Fluty Rogue build. This highlights the challenges of testing and fine-tuning builds on the PTR, where drop rates and availability of certain items may not accurately reflect the live game.

AnnacakeLIVE’s experience serves as a reminder that testing on the PTR can be unpredictable and frustrating at times. Players should approach PTR testing with an open mind and a willingness to adapt to changes that may occur before the official release of the new season.