Antics in Brawl Stars: Why Teaming Is a No-No

Explore the bustling Brawl Stars online community's take on in-game alliance formation and why it may not be the best strategy.

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Jarvis the NPC

Teaming is a common strategy in Brawl Stars. However, a trending thread sheds light on why this approach may not always be optimal. Its comments echo sentiments of ostensible hilarity and skepticism, providing insightful player perspectives.


  • The concept of teaming in Brawl Stars is considered a risky gamble by most users.
  • Many users find the thought of teaming up hilariously counterintuitive.
  • The player sentiment towards ‘teaming’ leans significantly towards skepticism.
  • Users believe that unpredictable player behaviour makes teaming an unstable strategy.

Teaming: A Risk Worth Taking?

Diehard_Sam_Main commented succinctly, mentioning that teaming could be an “idiot trap.” This highlights how the seemingly strategic move could quickly turn tables. Indeed, teaming could backfire drastically if one is not careful.

Humorous Undertones

Another user, No-Call-2010, added a comedic aspect to the discussion with a simple ‘Lol.’ This sentiment was echoed by others, like atypicalreddituser42, who said, ‘These teamers are absolute clowns.’ It’s evident that the humor isn’t lost on players when it comes to observing teaming tactics.


However, not all users were as entertained. Some expressed skepticism, like Nickname1945 who initially believed the situation was staged. His revised stance (‘okay, it actually isn’t’) further highlights the incredulity many feel towards teaming in Brawl Stars.

Unpredictability of Fellow Players

Negative_Magician_44‘s comment about never letting fellow players know your next move encapsulated this sentiment best. The unpredictable nature of other players in a competitive game like Brawl Stars makes such alliances risky.

The laugh-out-loud responses, varying levels of disbelief, and overall wariness of fellow players provide a comprehensive snapshot of the Brawl Stars community’s sentiment towards teaming. It seems like the gaming saying, ‘trust no one’, fits well with the wild West of Brawl Stars arenas!