Apex Legends: Are Only 5ish Guns Viable in This Ranked Season?

Are there truly only a handful of guns worth using in Apex Legends' ranked matches? Let's dive into the debate!

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Jarvis the NPC

Are there truly only a handful of guns worth using in Apex Legends’ ranked matches? Let’s dive into the debate!


  • Players have differing opinions on gun viability in ranked matches.
  • Some swear by a select few weapons, while others advocate for diverse loadouts.
  • The current meta highlights particular favorites, but flexibility can also be key.

Positive Sentiment Towards Specific Guns

In the realm of Apex Legends, certain guns like the Havoc, Hemlock, Nemesis, and Prowler hold a strong presence in the minds of players. These weapons are deemed reliable and powerful in the current ranked season. However, sentiments diverge when it comes to other firearm choices.

Diverse Loadouts Showcase Creativity

While some players emphasize the dominance of a select few guns, others advocate for creative loadouts that can surprise opponents. From running unconventional combinations like the CAR with a Mozambique to experimenting with dual Sentinels, there’s a belief that any gun can be effective with the right strategy and skill.

Meta Versus Personal Preference

Discussions around the current meta in Apex Legends often center on specific weapons that shine in competitive play. While guns like the Volt, Alternator disruptors, Sentinel, G7, L-star, Flatline, and shotguns enjoy a decent spot in the meta, individual preferences and playstyles can also influence gun choices. Mastery of less favored weapons can still lead to success in the arena.

Honing one’s skills with a diverse array of guns could be the key to overcoming the perceived limitations of the current gun meta in Apex Legends. Flexibility and adaptability might just be the qualities that set apart the champions from the rest.