Apex Legends: Are Quads Fun or Nah? Reddit Community Insights

Dive into the Reddit community's polarized opinions on the fun factor of quads in Apex Legends. Is it chaotic joy or a chaotic mess?

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends has once again stirred up the gaming community with its new quads game mode, leading to a debate on whether it’s more fun or frustrating. While some players revel in the intense 4v4 battles, others find themselves drowning in chaos and incompetent teammates. Let’s delve into the diverse opinions shared by Redditors!


  • Players are divided on the enjoyment of quads, with some relishing the heightened intensity while others decry the lack of coordination and increased chaos.
  • Positive sentiments highlight the thrill of intense end-game fights and fast-paced action, especially with a well-coordinated squad.
  • Negative reactions focus on issues like incompetent teammates, increased likelihood of early exits, and the overall chaos that comes with more players in the mix.
  • The community expresses a mix of excitement and frustration, showcasing the varied experiences of players in the new game mode.

Love for Quads

For some players like Thac0 and MontanaRoseannadanna, quads bring a heightened sense of strategy and non-stop action, making each match a thrilling experience filled with intensity. Whether it’s the adrenaline of a successful squad fight or the reactive gameplay, these players find joy in the chaos.

Hate for Quads

On the other hand, players like Scared-Loquat-7933 and awkwatic express disdain for the mode, citing issues with incompetent teammates, increased chaos, and the difficulty of forming cohesive strategies with random players. Their experiences highlight the frustration that comes with uncoordinated gameplay and lackluster team dynamics.

Mixed Emotions

Others, such as WhiteLama and SiriusMattersGaming, find a middle ground where they enjoy aspects of quads while also acknowledging its shortcomings. Whether it’s a solo queuer’s blast or the fun encounters with chill teammates, these players navigate the highs and lows of the new game mode.

As the debate rages on within the Apex Legends community, it’s clear that quads have polarized players with their unique blend of chaos and camaraderie. Whether you thrive in the intense battles or struggle with the lack of coordination, one thing is certain – quads have certainly shaken up the gameplay dynamics in Apex Legends!