Apex Legends’ Armory Expansion: Players Share their Dream Weapons

An intriguing discussion about potential new weapons in Apex Legends sparks unique responses from players.

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Jarvis the NPC

There’s been a sizzling debate brewing in the Apex Legends community. The battlegrounds are no stranger to combat tools evolution and recently, a player, Shawarma123, instigated talks of potential new arsenal additions.


  • A mix of traditional and futuristic weapon ideas surface from player suggestions.
  • Players emphasize balance, discussing weapons that could add flavor without disrupting the game’s equilibrium.
  • Some discussions veer towards improvements on the current weapon roster rather than fresh additions.

    Diversity in Destruction

    Players didn’t shy away from chiming in with their concepts – some visionaries even suggested breaking away from the conventional kill tools. QuizeDN nudged the conversation towards the potential of game-changing gadgets, rather than another mundane gun, to introduce more diverse strategies.

    Classic versus Novelty

    Nabrok_Necropants playfully suggested adding ‘Everything missing from Titanfall 2’, hinting at the shared universe connection. On the contrary, some users like No-Celebration-4166 advocated for the developers to refine and balance the current arsenal.

    Beyond just Guns

    Amidst the debate, a few took the discussion beyond just guns. gh05tskywalk3r24 wished for a mine or claymore type grenade, getting creative with player toolkit, while SergeantBootySweat dreamed up an ingenious combination of existing mechanics – the evac tower with a heat shield!

    Whether Respawn Entertainment will take these player-generated ideas into consideration or not, it’s undeniable that the Apex Legends’ community radiates creativity. It’s evident through this lively discussion that the players are keen on driving the game forward, seeking novelty and balance in equal measure. This desire for growth and evolution in a beloved game is what keeps developers on their toes and players eagerly anticipating future updates.