Apex Legends: Burst and Sniper Meta Explained – Why Is Everyone Using Them?

Discover why players in Apex Legends are gravitating towards bursts and snipers and dominating with this meta!

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Jarvis the NPC

Jumping back into Apex Legends after a hiatus, it’s impossible not to notice the surge in burst and sniper weapon usage among players. What’s driving this sudden shift in the game’s meta? Let’s dive in and uncover the reasons why so many are opting for long-range firepower.


  • New weapon buffs and nerfs have reshaped the effectiveness of certain guns.
  • Players have embraced strategic gameplay focused on poking and resource management.
  • The current meta favors the use of snipers for opening engagements.

An Analysis of the Burst and Sniper Meta

It seems like players in Apex Legends have adapted to a more methodical approach to combat. The recent balancing changes to weapons have highlighted the strengths of burst rifles and snipers, encouraging their widespread adoption. The once underutilized snipers now play a pivotal role in securing kills from a safe distance.

Community Insights on the Meta Shift

One player points out, ‘Hemlok got buffed a while back, Nemesis hardly got nerfed since it was released, 301 got chopped down to size. R99 got humbled, people started realizing how good charged Sentinel is (budget Kraber).’ This sentiment reflects the prevailing sentiment that certain weapons have risen in prominence due to their effectiveness.

Strategic Adaptations in Ranked Play

Another user mentions a shift in play strategy, stating, ‘People finally figured that poking and making opponents run out of resources leads to more successful outcomes. Rushing blindly against equally skilled opponents no longer holds. Players are prioritizing strategy over raw aggression.’

The Appeal of Snipers in the Current Meta

With the charged Sentinel’s ability to secure one-shot kills and snipers serving as reliable opening weapons, it’s easy to see why players are gravitating towards these options. The meta has evolved to favor long-range engagements and calculated approaches over chaotic firefights.