Apex Legends Cheating Problem: The Dark Side of Wallhacks and Aimbot

Discover how cheating runs rampant in Apex Legends, affecting even high-tier play.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends has a dirty little secret, hidden behind the glitz and glamour of its fast-paced battles. It seems like the problem of cheating is more prevalent than most players realize, creating a shadowy underbelly that threatens the integrity of the game.


  • Cheating in Apex Legends is not just a rare occurrence but a widespread issue that affects even high-ranking players.
  • Players are frustrated with the prevalence of wallhacks, aimbots, and other cheats that are difficult to detect.
  • The cheating problem has led to a decline in player base and a sense of disillusionment among the community.

Insidious Cheating Culture

One redditor, PlayFairPlease, highlighted the omnipresence of cheaters in every lobby and mode, making it a pervasive issue beyond just the occasional bad apple.

The Frustration of Legitimate Players

Impurity41 shared a poignant reflection on his experience, noting how even seasoned players can easily spot cheaters due to their unnatural behaviors and actions.

Mysterious Motivations

DrShoreRL shed light on the perplexing motivation behind some cheaters, questioning why individuals would resort to hacking in a game instead of playing legitimately.

Pigtron-42 recognized the cyclical nature of cheating in multiplayer games, highlighting the perpetual struggle between anti-cheat measures and cheat developers.

DarkSparkandWeed recounted a chilling encounter with a blatant cheater, showcasing the frustration and disheartenment that legitimate players face.

Im2stoned2know and AdrianoJ echoed similar sentiments, with the former noting the increased difficulty in climbing the ranks due to rampant cheating and the latter emphasizing the dwindling player base and impact on the game’s longevity.