Apex Legends Community Frustration: Disconnect Issues Surface Again

Apex Legends players express frustration over ongoing disconnect issues affecting gameplay.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends players are venting their frustrations on the latest disconnect issues plaguing the game. Join the conversation below to see why…


  • Players express frustration over ongoing disconnect issues.
  • Technical glitches disrupt gameplay experiences.
  • Community highlights issues with connectivity to servers.

Community Frustrations

The post author highlights the recurring disconnect issues, stating that despite investing money in the game, connectivity problems persist.

One user shares their experience of not being able to play with their sibling due to frequent disconnections, echoing the widespread annoyance.

Server Troubles

Players on various platforms report encountering disconnect problems, affecting both individual and group gameplay experiences.

One user points out that staying on the main screen while queuing helps reduce the likelihood of disconnects, suggesting a workaround for the issue.

Third-Party Server Issues

A user attributes the problems to Xbox servers and notes issues with accessing other games, indicating a broader server connectivity problem.

Despite the frustrations, some users find temporary solutions, such as specific joining methods, to mitigate the disconnect troubles.

The ongoing disconnect issues in Apex Legends continue to frustrate players, impacting their ability to enjoy the game seamlessly. As connectivity problems persist, the community remains vocal about the need for a resolution to these technical challenges.